Image Gateway Deployment Options

The Image Gateway is responsible for importing images from a registry or other sources and translating those into a format that can be used by the Shifter Runtime layer. The Image Gateway supports several deployment models. The Image Gateway can run in a local or remote mode. In addition, the worker component which is handles the actual conversion can be run in a distributed mode. We will briefly describe some of the options. These options can be mixed or matched when a single image gateway is being used to support multiple systems.

Local Mode

This is the simplest deployment method and works best when the image gateway can run directly on the target system. The image gateway should be run on a service node, login node, or other system that isn’t used to run compute jobs. It must have write access to a file system that is visible to all nodes on the compute cluster. Here is a sample configuration. Notice that Mongo would need to run on the same service node.

    "DefaultImageLocation": "",
    "DefaultImageFormat": "squashfs",
    "PullUpdateTimeout": 300,
    "ImageExpirationTimeout": "90:00:00:00",
    "CacheDirectory": "/images/cache/",
    "ExpandDirectory": "/images/expand/",
    "Locations": {
        "": {
            "remotetype": "dockerv2",
            "authentication": "http"
    "Platforms": {
        "mycluster": {
            "mungeSocketPath": "/var/run/munge/munge.socket.2",
            "accesstype": "local",
            "admins": ["root"],
            "local": {
                "imageDir": "/images"

Remote Mode

In this model, the Image Gateway and worker runs on a system external to the target system. After an image has been converted, it is copied using scp to the target system. This model may be used when multiple systems are being supported. This model may also be used if the entire compute system is inside a firewall since the Image Gateway could run on a system entirely outside the cluster. The deployment must be configured with ssh keys between that can be used between the Image Gateway and a login or service node on the target system. We recommend that the Image Gateway be run as a dedicated non-privileged user (e.g. shifter). A similar account should exist on the target system and an RSA-based key-pair should be configured on the target system with a copy of the private key available to the special account on the Image Gateway. Here is a sample configuration for this deployment model.

    "DefaultImageLocation": "",
    "DefaultImageFormat": "squashfs",
    "PullUpdateTimeout": 300,
    "ImageExpirationTimeout": "90:00:00:00",
    "CacheDirectory": "/images/cache/",
    "ExpandDirectory": "/images/expand/",
    "Locations": {
        "": {
            "remotetype": "dockerv2",
            "authentication": "http"
    "Platforms": {
        "mycluster": {
            "mungeSocketPath": "/var/run/munge/munge.socket.2",
            "accesstype": "remote",
            "admins": ["root"],
            "host": [
            "ssh": {
                "username": "shifter",
                "key": "/home/shifter/.ssh/ssh.key",
                "imageDir": "/images"